How To Loose Weight: The Baby Steps

Have you ever felt that you are trying to lose weight, or tone your body or just start a healthier lifestyle without succeeding? I get it.

I have been in that place for quite a long time, and I know how frustrating it can be physically, mentally, and emotionally. I know the energy it takes to start over and over again and sometimes we just give up. I created The Healthy Affairs to so that we have a space to get the support and motivation we need to get started and keep going.


You need to sit down with yourself and figure out what fitness really means to you. For many it is a number on the scale…for some others, it is an ideal model figure. For some, fitness is all about fun and happiness. For me, fitness feels like taking control of my own body. It means strength, both mentally and physically.

Invest some time in learning about your own WHY? Once you have figured that out, motivation will come from within.


The most important thing that you have to do to lose weight and keep it off is to have a plan. After all, you are going to start a new lifestyle. You need a clear idea of how to do it! Of course, you cannot have a full-proof plan on the very first day and you will have to keep shuffling it as you go on. But if you want the change to be REAL and LASTING this time, you need a plan that is easy to follow and fits in your lifestyle.


It has been said over and over but I will spell it out again. You cannot train a bad diet. Health and Weight loss start in the kitchen and it is crucial to make sure you are fueling your body with the right nutrients to effectively burn fat and build muscle. Remember, calories are not your enemy. No starving yourself and not restricting the food groups. You need to get your carbs, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals all day long from delicious, healthy, and real food.


Regular exercises are non-negotiable. If you want strength, flexibility, and a toned body, you have got to move! You need to show up every day or at least 4-5 times a week and smash that workout.


The combination of the right nutrition and exercises will truly transform your body. Trust me, once you get the process right and be consistent, there is no stopping.

So, sit with yourself, think about your Why? Draw out a realistic plan and expected outcomes and get going! I will be sharing my bits and pieces in the upcoming blogs. I still have a long way to go and was hoping to bring you along in my journey. 

I hope this blog stays helpful in your fitness journey.


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