If you're trying to lose weight, you may experience common challenges, like slow progression or a weight loss plateau. But staying committed will pay off in the long run. 

Here are five tips to stay motivated when trying to lose weight: 


Set a micro goal for yourself to find time for the daily workout at least 5 times a week and journal your workouts. There are several great apps out there to help you track your progress and much more. 

You can decide to track your daily steps count or try to track your hydration every day and see how much better you feel! 


If weight loss were easy, then no one would need to slim down. The fact is that losing weight is terribly difficult and trying to manage daily motivation is the hardest part. Grab an accountability buddy and walk through some of these motivation boosters together. Cheer each other on and keep each other focused.


One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to reward yourself but without food. You might like a new book or a lazy Saturday of watching movies in bed. Or maybe you'd prefer to redecorate your bedroom or go buy that dress you have been eyeing. 

People have different rewards they might enjoy. Discover what it is that makes you happy—without food—and set it up as a reward for reaching small goals along the way.


Try tuning into your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, and paying attention to how they affect your actions. Think about how your food tastes, how it feels on your taste buds, and what do you enjoy most about food. This will stop you from eating quickly which keeps you from overeating and it will also help improve your relationship with food.


To err is to human. Life is not perfect, your weight loss journey will have few setbacks but if you don't quit, it will have personal achievements too. Not quitting doesn't mean you have to keep going at any cost. If you are ill or had a hectic day at work, it's okay to take a rest and recover. Staying committed to your long-term goals is more important than striving for everyday perfection.
